Squad 8, Saturday, 13. May 2023 18:00

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Name Country Gender Club HDCP
Daniel Dorfmeister Germany male Blau-Weiss 84 Stuttgart 0
Nicole Pietschner Germany female Team CTD Europe 8
Dan French Netherlands male Bowl Shop Heerlen 0
Ton Plummen Netherlands male Bowl Shop Heerlen 0
Thorsten Schmidt Germany male Bc Sparta Mannheim 0
Natalie Groll Germany female BC Bajuwaren München 8
Timo Büchner Germany male 1. L.E. Little Rollers CB e.V. 0
Frank Öing Germany male Meteor 77 Hameln 0
Erik Schiebold Germany male VfB 97 Dresden 0
Frank Stauss Germany male Strikee's Bremen 0
Joshua Neugebauer Germany male BBL 2000 BS 0
Timo Schröder Germany male Strikee's Bremen 0
Eike Kabowski Germany male Strikees Bremen 0
Laura Nisch Germany female BC Waiblingen 8
Dirk Sperrle Germany male Lord of the Pins 0
Gaetan Mouveroux France male Eagles Wittelsheim 0
David Cooper United Kingdom male Worthing 0
Cullen Vincellette United States male BV Mainz 0
Timo Bauer Germany male Dreambowler Böblingen 0
Tim Lindacher Germany male BTT Viernheim 0
Jann Thomsen Germany male DBU Light 0
Frank Wiemken Germany male BK München 0
Moritz Wiemken Germany male BK München 0
Lukas Eder Germany male BSV Mannheim / BC Germania Mannheim 0
Annemarie Bauer Germany female BSV Koblenz 8
Margarete Bauer Germany female BSV Koblenz 8
Marcel Wagner Germany male 1. Mühlhäuser Bowlingclub 98 e.V. 0
Rainer Nisch Germany male BSV Ludwigsburg 0


Name Country Category Results Scratch HDCP Total Average
Tim Lindacher Germany none 239 221 259 227 257 188 1391 0 1391 231.83
Natalie Groll Germany none 186 222 210 172 236 208 1234 48 1282 213.67
Moritz Wiemken Germany none 206 171 198 235 279 192 1281 0 1281 213.5
David Cooper United Kingdom none 183 237 223 205 215 208 1271 0 1271 211.83
Eike Kabowski Germany none 201 232 215 228 200 193 1269 0 1269 211.5
Frank Öing Germany Seniors 50+ 171 237 198 228 267 158 1259 0 1259 209.83
Gaetan Mouveroux France none 218 187 195 236 183 222 1241 0 1241 206.83
Timo Schröder Germany none 215 199 233 196 206 172 1221 0 1221 203.5
Timo Büchner Germany none 226 214 206 223 167 178 1214 0 1214 202.33
Marcel Wagner Germany none 214 179 225 199 201 178 1196 0 1196 199.33
Frank Wiemken Germany none 226 155 192 215 223 181 1192 0 1192 198.67
Timo Bauer Germany none 156 233 177 225 214 178 1183 0 1183 197.17
Frank Stauss Germany none 177 201 210 192 198 198 1176 0 1176 196
Cullen Vincellette United States none 223 197 181 191 189 186 1167 0 1167 194.5
Thorsten Schmidt Germany none 182 212 179 191 185 205 1154 0 1154 192.33
Dan French Netherlands none 225 205 181 197 155 167 1130 0 1130 188.33
Daniel Dorfmeister Germany none 193 184 169 211 167 188 1112 0 1112 185.33
Dirk Sperrle Germany none 196 175 129 168 236 182 1086 0 1086 181
Annemarie Bauer Germany none 189 162 145 192 182 139 1009 48 1057 176.17
Joshua Neugebauer Germany Youth u19 186 175 180 168 189 147 1045 0 1045 174.17
Nicole Pietschner Germany none 114 181 177 166 165 171 974 48 1022 170.33
Erik Schiebold Germany none 182 166 166 188 125 193 1020 0 1020 170
Lukas Eder Germany none 158 192 167 176 179 144 1016 0 1016 169.33
Margarete Bauer Germany Seniors 50+ 198 168 157 150 170 122 965 48 1013 168.83
Jann Thomsen Germany none 154 131 180 135 154 212 966 0 966 161
Rainer Nisch Germany Seniors 50+ 159 144 196 140 141 141 921 0 921 153.5
Laura Nisch Germany Youth u19 175 126 137 149 116 162 865 48 913 152.17
Ton Plummen Netherlands Seniors 50+ 154 176 194 65 0 0 589 0 589 98.17

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