Top 2 athletes who are not qualified through the general standing, SLC Standing or any Early Bird Standings will be qualified for final step 1.

Rank Name Country Gender Category Squad Results Scratch HDCP Total Average Low Game High Game High Low
1 Arnar Jonsson Iceland male none Squad 26 245 235 279 243 192 197 1391 0 1391 231.83 192 279 471
2 Aidas Daniunas Lithuania male none Squad 30 206 256 217 220 208 227 1334 0 1334 222.33 206 256 462
Cut Top 2
3 Timo Schröder Germany male none Squad 30 236 257 233 226 237 202 1391 0 1391 231.83 202 257 459
4 Anastasis Exarxou Greece male Youth u19 Squad 29 237 184 196 226 223 267 1333 0 1333 222.17 184 267 451
5 Elliot Moulin Sweden male none Squad 29 238 239 222 226 238 204 1367 0 1367 227.83 204 239 443
6 Thomas Verschuere France male none Squad 29 278 218 217 165 216 176 1270 0 1270 211.67 165 278 443
7 Thomas De Marini San Marino male none Squad 28 185 279 160 245 229 257 1355 0 1355 225.83 160 279 439
8 Nicolas Carter Denmark male none Squad 29 246 241 223 216 192 244 1362 0 1362 227 192 246 438
9 Edvinas Skarbalius Lithuania male none Squad 29 227 212 279 269 159 203 1349 0 1349 224.83 159 279 438
10 Stamatios Roros Greece male none Squad 29 193 212 218 190 246 247 1306 0 1306 217.67 190 247 437

All High-Low

Rank Name Country Gender Category Squad Results Scratch HDCP Total Average Low Game High Game High Low
1 Tim Lindacher Germany male none Squad 26 258 224 300 279 300 233 1594 0 1594 265.67 224 300 524
2 Emanuel Jonsson Sweden male none Squad 22 245 223 279 248 219 255 1469 0 1469 244.83 219 279 498
3 Zeno Janssen Germany male none Squad 30 279 248 276 263 211 205 1482 0 1482 247 205 279 484
4 Mathias Ankerdal Denmark male none Squad 25 183 269 244 236 300 245 1477 0 1477 246.17 183 300 483
5 Tim Stampe Denmark male none Squad 25 268 213 235 268 257 212 1453 0 1453 242.17 212 268 480
6 Vasilios Stefopoulos Greece male none Squad 28 202 279 205 289 258 190 1423 0 1423 237.17 190 289 479
7 Dennis Grünheid Germany male none Squad 26 241 285 226 258 193 215 1418 0 1418 236.33 193 285 478
8 Mike Bergmann Netherlands male none Squad 29 267 214 239 233 193 279 1425 0 1425 237.5 193 279 472
9 Arnar Jonsson Iceland male none Squad 26 245 235 279 243 192 197 1391 0 1391 231.83 192 279 471
10 Frank Öing Germany male Seniors 50+ Squad 3 187 237 280 225 199 235 1363 0 1363 227.17 187 280 467
11 Max Lorenz Germany male Youth u19 Squad 28 218 247 245 246 237 224 1417 0 1417 236.17 218 247 465
12 Moritz Wiemken Germany male none Squad 10 278 279 195 279 234 184 1449 0 1449 241.5 184 279 463
13 Aidas Daniunas Lithuania male none Squad 30 206 256 217 220 208 227 1334 0 1334 222.33 206 256 462
14 Timo Schröder Germany male none Squad 30 236 257 233 226 237 202 1391 0 1391 231.83 202 257 459
15 Christian Haas Germany male none Squad 10 176 236 210 234 275 230 1361 0 1361 226.83 176 275 451
16 Anastasis Exarxou Greece male Youth u19 Squad 29 237 184 196 226 223 267 1333 0 1333 222.17 184 267 451
17 Zeno Janssen Germany male none Squad 28 246 249 223 259 214 190 1381 0 1381 230.17 190 259 449
18 Zeno Janssen Germany male none Squad 22 207 258 243 189 234 243 1374 0 1374 229 189 258 447
19 Anton Kuptz Germany male none Squad 26 246 268 247 178 245 188 1372 0 1372 228.67 178 268 446
20 Aidas Daniunas Lithuania male none Squad 28 188 199 257 255 205 212 1316 0 1316 219.33 188 257 445
21 Elliot Moulin Sweden male none Squad 29 238 239 222 226 238 204 1367 0 1367 227.83 204 239 443
22 Patrick Hehnen Germany male none Squad 14 222 164 218 279 246 235 1364 0 1364 227.33 164 279 443
23 Thomas Verschuere France male none Squad 29 278 218 217 165 216 176 1270 0 1270 211.67 165 278 443
24 Thomas De Marini San Marino male none Squad 28 185 279 160 245 229 257 1355 0 1355 225.83 160 279 439
25 Nicolas Carter Denmark male none Squad 29 246 241 223 216 192 244 1362 0 1362 227 192 246 438
26 Edvinas Skarbalius Lithuania male none Squad 29 227 212 279 269 159 203 1349 0 1349 224.83 159 279 438
27 Frank Wiemken Germany male none Squad 10 158 279 215 232 213 236 1333 0 1333 222.17 158 279 437
28 Stamatios Roros Greece male none Squad 29 193 212 218 190 246 247 1306 0 1306 217.67 190 247 437
29 Dennis Linhart Germany male none Squad 4 194 180 201 257 201 193 1226 0 1226 204.33 180 257 437
30 Niclas Sørensen Denmark male none Squad 29 247 226 178 252 257 252 1412 0 1412 235.33 178 257 435
31 Stamatios Roros Greece male none Squad 28 189 216 244 245 196 217 1307 0 1307 217.83 189 245 434
32 Patrick Hehnen Germany male none Squad 10 225 212 198 236 223 200 1294 0 1294 215.67 198 236 434
33 Matus Hrusovsky Slovakia male Youth u19 Squad 30 266 182 222 185 216 167 1238 0 1238 206.33 167 266 433
34 Eleftherios Montsenigos Greece male none Squad 30 220 249 183 227 226 203 1308 0 1308 218 183 249 432
35 Vivien Bados France male none Squad 25 248 182 203 205 224 245 1307 0 1307 217.83 182 248 430
36 David Cooper United Kingdom male none Squad 28 243 210 204 241 204 185 1287 0 1287 214.5 185 243 428
37 Robin Reincke Germany male Youth u19 Squad 30 222 195 216 236 192 215 1276 0 1276 212.67 192 236 428
38 Timo Schröder Germany male none Squad 28 257 216 218 169 212 212 1284 0 1284 214 169 257 426
39 Ísak Birkir Sævarsson Iceland male none Squad 30 258 181 188 211 213 168 1219 0 1219 203.17 168 258 426
40 Menno Van Den Heuvel Netherlands male Seniors 50+ Squad 29 167 214 187 258 226 202 1254 0 1254 209 167 258 425
41 Cullen Vincellette United States male none Squad 14 219 170 182 177 207 255 1210 0 1210 201.67 170 255 425
42 Tim Lindacher Germany male none Squad 22 247 190 247 177 244 237 1342 0 1342 223.67 177 247 424
43 Maris Materne Germany male none Squad 10 214 230 222 217 193 224 1300 0 1300 216.67 193 230 423
44 Niko Theiß Germany male none Squad 22 263 157 222 241 247 230 1360 0 1360 226.67 157 263 420
45 David Cooper United Kingdom male none Squad 10 247 205 234 173 205 179 1243 0 1243 207.17 173 247 420
46 Niclas Sørensen Denmark male none Squad 28 225 225 177 191 245 174 1237 0 1237 206.17 174 245 419
47 Sandro Brandt Germany male none Squad 29 237 204 238 217 180 214 1290 0 1290 215 180 238 418
48 Vivien Bados France male none Squad 29 223 201 245 173 213 216 1271 0 1271 211.83 173 245 418
49 Anastasis Exarxou Greece male Youth u19 Squad 28 248 195 213 246 168 223 1293 0 1293 215.5 168 248 416
50 Sven Garbotz Germany male none Squad 29 236 183 209 235 233 180 1276 0 1276 212.67 180 236 416
51 Sandro Brandt Germany male none Squad 25 223 168 214 233 217 246 1301 0 1301 216.83 168 246 414
52 Stamatios Roros Greece male none Squad 30 222 172 238 242 182 180 1236 0 1236 206 172 242 414
53 Arnar Jonsson Iceland male none Squad 22 231 225 235 184 235 177 1287 0 1287 214.5 177 235 412
54 Ísak Birkir Sævarsson Iceland male none Squad 29 182 259 153 225 200 202 1221 0 1221 203.5 153 259 412
55 Mark Jonasdofsky Germany male none Squad 4 169 210 167 213 245 193 1197 0 1197 199.5 167 245 412
56 Philipp Witon Germany male none Squad 26 168 236 169 180 181 244 1178 0 1178 196.33 168 244 412
57 Daniel Friesch Germany male none Squad 30 195 224 268 144 153 169 1153 0 1153 192.17 144 268 412
58 Ray Love II United States male none Squad 10 211 186 188 194 190 225 1194 0 1194 199 186 225 411
59 Misaki Bolleby Japan female none Squad 26 216 190 185 191 225 221 1228 48 1276 212.67 185 225 410
60 Edvinas Skarbalius Lithuania male none Squad 28 214 230 202 214 180 222 1262 0 1262 210.33 180 230 410
61 Daniel Börner Germany male none Squad 4 213 244 165 232 182 216 1252 0 1252 208.67 165 244 409
62 Nikolaos Kagialoglou Greece male Seniors 50+ Squad 28 165 212 244 175 212 180 1188 0 1188 198 165 244 409
63 Marcus Ruschke Germany male none Squad 3 214 198 225 172 235 194 1238 0 1238 206.33 172 235 407
64 Aidas Daniunas Lithuania male none Squad 25 221 214 186 218 199 197 1235 0 1235 205.83 186 221 407
65 Niko Theiß Germany male none Squad 10 209 172 179 220 234 197 1211 0 1211 201.83 172 234 406
66 Šimon Hrušovský Slovakia male none Squad 25 213 180 178 205 178 228 1182 0 1182 197 178 228 406
67 Sven Garbotz Germany male none Squad 28 206 210 230 249 168 155 1218 0 1218 203 155 249 404
68 Philipp Witon Germany male none Squad 22 221 180 198 224 182 201 1206 0 1206 201 180 224 404
69 Michael Krämer Germany male none Squad 3 212 180 204 229 174 178 1177 0 1177 196.17 174 229 403
70 Nikolaos Kagialoglou Greece male Seniors 50+ Squad 30 183 166 173 207 225 235 1189 0 1189 198.17 166 235 401
71 Ernesto Catibog Germany male none Squad 3 161 200 244 205 156 174 1140 0 1140 190 156 244 400
72 Thomas Laymet-Carre France male Youth u19 Squad 30 187 212 209 211 201 203 1223 0 1223 203.83 187 212 399
73 Elliot Moulin Sweden male none Squad 30 219 212 238 237 203 159 1268 0 1268 211.33 159 238 397
74 Ray Love II United States male none Squad 14 174 152 246 195 150 196 1113 0 1113 185.5 150 246 396
75 Magnus Gudmundsson Iceland male none Squad 25 187 140 249 177 190 153 1096 0 1096 182.67 140 249 389
76 Fiona Nadine Lindemann Germany female Youth u19 Squad 25 224 220 164 189 187 203 1187 48 1235 205.83 164 224 388
77 Maris Materne Germany male none Squad 29 198 209 186 179 209 184 1165 0 1165 194.17 179 209 388
78 Ferdinand Castro Germany male none Squad 22 211 213 189 177 174 191 1155 0 1155 192.5 174 213 387
79 Florian Hanauer Germany male none Squad 10 139 223 220 246 161 184 1173 0 1173 195.5 139 246 385
80 Alain Nicolas France male none Squad 29 188 205 169 225 159 178 1124 0 1124 187.33 159 225 384
81 Arnar Jonsson Iceland male none Squad 25 189 180 166 248 204 131 1118 0 1118 186.33 131 248 379
82 Marcus Weber Germany male none Squad 4 154 191 225 168 195 160 1093 0 1093 182.17 154 225 379
83 Stefanya Büchel Germany female none Squad 28 196 192 204 164 213 213 1182 48 1230 205 164 213 377
84 Tony Smith Germany male Seniors 50+ Squad 14 195 169 208 171 181 188 1112 0 1112 185.33 169 208 377
85 Hans-Jürgen Müller Germany male Seniors 50+ Squad 30 186 226 224 216 215 149 1216 0 1216 202.67 149 226 375
86 Natalie Groll Germany female none Squad 28 159 198 177 215 175 189 1113 48 1161 193.5 159 215 374
87 Ísak Birkir Sævarsson Iceland male none Squad 25 202 223 160 223 150 188 1146 0 1146 191 150 223 373
88 Hans-Jürgen Müller Germany male Seniors 50+ Squad 26 204 186 154 183 210 218 1155 0 1155 192.5 154 218 372
89 Magnus Gudmundsson Iceland male none Squad 30 218 233 158 139 199 160 1107 0 1107 184.5 139 233 372
90 Daniel Friesch Germany male none Squad 10 213 162 204 196 171 159 1105 0 1105 184.17 159 213 372
91 Martina Schütz Germany female none Squad 28 168 138 188 142 187 232 1055 48 1103 183.83 138 232 370
92 David Cooper United Kingdom male none Squad 25 211 222 150 232 194 137 1146 0 1146 191 137 232 369
93 Martina Schütz Germany female none Squad 10 157 199 184 182 211 183 1116 48 1164 194 157 211 368
94 Alexandra Giannadaki Greece female Youth u19 Squad 30 246 222 120 167 212 194 1161 48 1209 201.5 120 246 366
95 Matus Hrusovsky Slovakia male Youth u19 Squad 25 181 190 183 199 164 164 1081 0 1081 180.17 164 199 363
96 Max Wiemken Germany male none Squad 10 177 188 237 176 183 125 1086 0 1086 181 125 237 362
97 Elliot Moulin Sweden male none Squad 28 146 202 192 193 215 194 1142 0 1142 190.33 146 215 361
98 Laura Kockro Germany female none Squad 29 174 174 180 188 187 173 1076 48 1124 187.33 173 188 361
99 Volkan Özsoy Germany male none Squad 3 192 146 233 181 125 139 1016 0 1016 169.33 125 233 358
100 Maxine Bolek Germany female Youth u19 Squad 26 177 154 202 178 192 186 1089 48 1137 189.5 154 202 356
101 Chris Kempf Croatia male none Squad 28 193 139 176 215 167 165 1055 0 1055 175.83 139 215 354
102 Natalie Groll Germany female none Squad 22 172 174 195 190 158 161 1050 48 1098 183 158 195 353
103 Benjamin Runge United States male none Squad 14 198 194 209 144 167 183 1095 0 1095 182.5 144 209 353
104 Benjamin Busch Germany male none Squad 10 202 162 150 196 164 195 1069 0 1069 178.17 150 202 352
105 Wilhelm Krüger Germany male none Squad 3 149 137 203 134 189 218 1030 0 1030 171.67 134 218 352
106 Magnus Gudmundsson Iceland male none Squad 29 181 219 219 204 186 130 1139 0 1139 189.83 130 219 349
107 Burak Natal Turkey male Seniors 50+ Squad 25 165 191 148 200 160 176 1040 0 1040 173.33 148 200 348
108 Tobias Kosmalla Germany male none Squad 10 193 197 148 191 196 162 1087 0 1087 181.17 148 197 345
109 Matteo Corazza San Marino male none Squad 30 205 189 139 149 184 165 1031 0 1031 171.83 139 205 344
110 Tim Hohl Germany male none Squad 3 143 146 161 151 198 159 958 0 958 159.67 143 198 341
111 Patrick Ewald Germany male none Squad 3 166 181 182 202 181 135 1047 0 1047 174.5 135 202 337
112 Burak Natal Turkey male Seniors 50+ Squad 28 154 185 148 178 184 165 1014 0 1014 169 148 185 333
113 Rafael Janssens Belgium male Seniors 50+ Squad 30 203 154 166 172 125 203 1023 0 1023 170.5 125 203 328
114 Burak Natal Turkey male Seniors 50+ Squad 30 188 150 166 135 166 190 995 0 995 165.83 135 190 325
115 Dennis Dettmann Germany male none Squad 10 133 156 161 129 192 155 926 0 926 154.33 129 192 321
116 Dirk Thörnich Germany male Seniors 50+ Squad 4 148 157 169 156 160 151 941 0 941 156.83 148 169 317
117 Bülent Yaşarsoy Turkey male Seniors 50+ Squad 28 174 154 139 169 136 178 950 0 950 158.33 136 178 314
118 Rafael Janssens Belgium male Seniors 50+ Squad 28 190 127 134 153 166 124 894 0 894 149 124 190 314
119 Nicolas Cavin Switzerland male none Squad 25 182 148 180 182 116 168 976 0 976 162.67 116 182 298
120 Jann Thomsen Germany male none Squad 14 129 162 138 147 137 137 850 0 850 141.67 129 162 291
121 Richard Cavalcante United States male none Squad 10 139 168 134 114 134 153 842 0 842 140.33 114 168 282
122 Nick De Gelder Netherlands male none Squad 3 117 0 0 0 0 0 117 0 117 19.5 0 117 117

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